Introduction to Gardening Gems

Welcome to my first ever Gardening Gems post! I wanted to start writing reviews because whether you are a beginner gardener or a seasoned pro, we don’t all have time to do every show, garden, garden centre or event. Therefore, I wanted to give you a helping hand, by saving you time and effort but still giving you garden inspiration. Here you will find only the best places to spend your valuable time in!

These reviews are going to be slightly different to regular reviews because I am all about the positivity. So, I won’t be criticising, or complaining. I will be pointing out the best bits and the reasons to visit. In fact, only places I think you SHOULD visit will get a review at all!

I am going to keep it simple, and split my reviews into three categories. Firstly, I will look at cost and value for money. Secondly, what there is to see and do. And thirdly, what I consider to be the best bits.

  1. 💷 Cost
  2. 📋 Things to do/see
  3. 💝 Best bits

Why this Garden?

So let’s get started. Now, if I was going to review anything first, it would have to be something related to the RHS – that is the Royal Horticultural Society. I have got so much garden inspiration from the RHS and I am very lucky to have Hyde Hall on my doorstep. I have visited this garden on a number of occasions. In fact the winter lights show is something we do most years. But, I had let my membership lapse because in the last year life got a bit busy and I didn’t use it as much as I should.

However, I have been to the annual Flower Show before and really enjoyed it so I wanted to visit again. Helpfully, it occurs in August every year, so this year mum and I made the effort. I have been to a number of flower shows but this one is one of my fav’s for a number of reasons, all of which will become clear. So, I decided to do a double whammy and review the show and the garden at the same time! Before I go into the detail, here are my big ticks:

  • 💴 Entry to the show also gives you access to the whole site.
  • 🌷It has a really large selection of stands and exhibitors
  • 🛸The stands are positioned to allow for plenty of space so you don’t feel like you are squished in.
  • 🪑There is plenty of seating, so if you need to rest a bit more often, you can.
  • 🌱Hyde Hall in August has some beautiful planting to take inspiration from.

Spare no cost for garden inspiration?

So let’s start with the first thing that we all want to know; the price! This year it was £16 for an adult entry. However, I have a cost hack for you! Because, if you join the RHS, you get free entry for yourself and a guest. Moreover, the RHS were doing a show offer, which was a 30% discount on the yearly fee, so I ended up re-joining at a cost of £51 for the year. As the show entry was £32 for mum and I, for an extra £19, I got a year’s RHS membership. Bargain!

RHS membership includes a number of things (which you can read about by clicking HERE, but I particularly like the free entry for members and a friend to all 4 RHS gardens, and free entry for the member to partner gardens. I will be making an effort to visit a number of these over the next year, and of course my favourites will get a review! (Ps. I am not getting any benefits to promote membership, I just think its worth it.)

Things to see and do for ultimate garden inspiration

The Flower Show

The flower show itself is a series of exhibitors from a range of businesses who create lovely displays of their specialty flowers in front of their stalls. This really will give you garden inspiration because the range of plants huge, and the exhibitors will give you lots of advice. I particularly like the exhibitors who sell plants that are a little bit different to those you would find at a garden centre. So if you have a bit of spare cash, you can take the plants home!

If you want to see the range of exhibits you can do so HERE.

One of the things I like the most at this show, is that the stands are positioned to allow for plenty of space between stalls which means you don’t feel like you are sardines which is especially good when the show is busy!

In addition, this year there was plenty of covered seating. I was really pleased with this, as my mum does struggle to walk around the whole garden (due to its size) without sitting down every now and then!

🌸 Top tip: if you attend the show on the last day, you can often buy the flowers from the displays themselves at a good price!

Other fabulous stalls

The other thing I like about the show, is that there are other stalls which sell a whole range of garden ‘stuff’. This includes, garden furniture, ornaments, equipment, plants supports, clothing, and of course food!

🌸 Top tip: much like the plant displays, some of the stalls sell things at lower prices on the second day.

Garden inspiration help

Another really good element about the show is ‘The Potting Shed’. This is where a number of experts offer their advice on any number of gardening conundrums. I didn’t personally attend any of these so I can’t comment on how good they were, but for beginners to gardening, or for someone with a specific issue, this is a great facility.

Hyde Hall garden inspiration

Access to the flower show gives you access to the whole Hyde Hall garden. When I say garden, that doesn’t do it justice. It is huge. And has a whole range of different areas to visit. Here is a selection of my favourite areas at this time of year, along with my favourite planting combinations for garden inspiration. I am definitely going to try some of these at home!

If you want design tips be sure to read my ultimate guide HERE. *I am completely useless and forgot to take note of all the flowers I took pictures of, as I was so overcome 🤪, thus I may not be accurate with their names – Sorry!*

Grasses and flowers

Echinacea, stipia planting combination

This is a lovely combination with the height of the grasses (stipia – not sure which one 🙄) complementing the Lythrum (virgatum, dropmore purple – I took note of this plant 😆) and the white and purple echinacea (aka coneflowers). In the background you can see the orange heleniums.

🌸Top Tip: repeating the same plant adds drama and draws the eye giving you impact.

Echinacea with pennistetum

I just love the whimsical feel of this grass pennisetum villosum feather top (I think) with the colourful echinacea poking up through the seed heads.

🌸 Use different textures and flower forms to create a sort of backdrop to your favourite plants. Here the grass acts as a canvas to make the echinacea pop.

Erigeron poking through rocks

Erigeron (the daisy like flowers here) are a must have for any garden. They grow in dry conditions and flower profusely with no deadheading. This is one of my favourite combinations with stipia tenuissima aka Mexican feather grass.

🌸Both these plants can be easily grown from seed so if you can wait, doing it this way will save you a fortune!

Flower combinations garden inspiration

Echinacea and verbena planted in drifts in borders

More echinacea, but this time they are paired with verbena bonariensis, which is the tall purple flowers bobbing above.

🌸 Verbena B, is really easy to propagate, both by seed and cuttings so you only need to buy one plant!

Geraniums and climbing roses

Geraniums and Roses are a fabulous combination, and you can see it in great effect here.

🌸Use lower growing plants to cover the bare stems of climbers to make the most of every bit of space.

Orange and red flower border with dahlias, red hot pokers, rudbeckia, heleniums, salvias, achilleas, crocosmia, bananas.

This is a stunning example of how analogous colours can create a show stopping effect. There are so many flowers here I don’t have space to list them all!

🌸Finding plants that sit next to each other on the colour spectrum, especially hot colours like red can really set your garden on fire! Use foliage plants like bananas to set them off.

Foliage for Garden Inspiration

Banana’s tetrapanix, crocosmia in a garden border

An example of a using plant foliage in different shapes and sizes to great an eye catching effect. Here there are bananas, a tetrapanix, bamboo, salvia and crocosmia.

🌸 If you love foliage plants, add flowers which add a pop of colour to really bring the scheme together.

Use of other materials

Bird sculpture in a garden at RHS Hyde Hall

I have included this picture, to highlight the genus use of man made objects and how they can enhance the garden.

🌸The use of height here, complements and brings the two trees in the background into the garden. This is a great way to adding to your space.

Grow your own food

V shaped plant support for beans in edible garden

I have to include at least one photo of the amazing vegetable garden. This is a great idea to make it easier to pick climbing veg.

🌸Invert your plant supports to keep the roots of your veg watered and cool, and the fruit easier to pick.

Three sisters, beans, sweetcorn and squash

It’s the three sisters! This is a dream combination of climbing beans, squash and sweetcorn.

🌸If you want to grow these veggies, doing it this way saves space and supports each of the plants to produce their best fruit.

Best Bits

Dry garden

For the ultimate garden inspiration, this area is a must visit. As the weather gets hotter and life get busier, having a beautiful garden that is self-sufficient is imperative. The dry garden will give you so many ideas of how to achieve this in your own space.

Vegetable garden inspiration

If you have any designs on growing your own food, you have to visit the vegetable garden. The inspiration you will get, and the sheer number of plants you can grow is showcased here. I have to admit I have veg envy 🧑‍🎤!

Companion planting of marigold and beans

Flower show itself

Of course the flower show itself has to be in the best bit of this review. Loads of stalls, garden inspiration flowers and food. What’s not to like? Plus, you can see the sheer size of it from this photo.

RHS Hyde Hall flower show for Garden inspiration. A massive range of stalls and exhibits nestled within The Hyde Hall gardens

Conclusion – did you get any garden inspiration?

So to summarise, not only do I recommend a visit to the flower show, I highly recommend a trip to RHS Hyde Hall at any time of the year.

Happy gardening!

JT x